Maribyrnong City Council town planning have reclaimed old industrial land to be used for new residential living on the banks of the Maribyrnong River. TUS have been engaged to upgrade the underground civil infrastructure so that the power grid can sustain the growth. Stage 1 of the River Precinct project will finish in Feb while we commence Stage 2 in January 2019. The full completion of town planning project is estimated to be completed in a few years.
Dedicated and trusted TUS traffic controllers managing the worksite to ensure the safety of the community and our team. Once safe our experienced driller using a sonar to track the drill head and steer the bore. Our equipment accurately marks out the exit hole which will be opened once we are ready to pull back the pipe.
While drilling our Non Destructive Digger (NDD) is used to suck out the slurry created in the entry hole from the drill in operation. Water is required as part of the drilling process to create lubrication and reduce heat from the friction of the rods spinning while they are boring a hole. Using the NDD in this way also has it colloquially known as a Vac Truck.

We required our Komatsu PC45MR to be on site to do the heavy lifting -removing or placing Road Plates as well as being available to excavate where required.

Traffic Management is also required to allow for equipment and tooling to be close at hand. Like all our projects we ensure above the ground the site is just as we found it with minimal disruption. After a successful stage 1, we will continue with stage 2 of the project kicking off in February 2019!

At Total Underground Solutions we can provide assistance at any stage of your underground drilling project. For more information on how we can help contact us today!